In our current outcomes-oriented environment, organizations are increasingly called upon to demonstrate the impact of their services. Accreditation is designed to be a framework within which an organization can measure a variety of its achievements.
The value and credibility of COA accreditation are formally recognized in over one hundred distinct instances in forty-four different states, the District of Columbia, as well as British Columbia, Canada. Additionally, the U.S. Department of State has designated COA as the sole national independent accreditor for organizations providing inter-country adoption services in the United States that work with sending countries that have ratified the Hague Treaty.
The Performance Improvement Committee (PQI) at Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services meets quarterly to review reports, data and information about key agency service delivery and management. This committee is a result of the agency’s accreditation through the Council on Accreditation. The committee is made up of the Director, managers and staff from the agency as well as Commissioner Chris Abbuhl. The committee meets at the agency on the first Monday in the months of February, May, August, and November at 2:30 P.M. in Conference Room A. Minutes of these meetings are circulated to agency staff and may be made available to any other person requesting them. Any individual or organization with questions about PQI or the agency process should contact David Haverfield, Chair of the PQI committee at (330) 339-7791 ext. 218 or HAVERD@OFJFS.STATE.OH.US
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