How Can You Help?

This is often a question we are asked by the community regarding the abused
and neglected children and elderly population in Tuscarawas County. Donations are always welcome in these very tough economic times. Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services has been adversely affected as state budgets have been slashed. Donations may be made without restrictions for their use or may be designated for a specific purpose.

Our foster children often have school pictures, school yearbooks, tutoring, enrichment programs, school trips, music lessons/instruments, sports clothing/equipment, summer camps, special occasion activities for Juniors (homecoming or prom dresses, tuxedos, pictures), and Senior Graduation items that they need help paying for. We would also like to be able to provide our graduating Seniors with a monetary gift upon graduation, but we have been unable to do so because of the budget cuts.

Our elderly population often needs help with utilities, food, rent, household goods (beds, toiletries, etc.). The majority of the elderly clients do not qualify for state funding due to having no minor children in their homes. Our Adult Protective worker also annually has an exhibit at the Caregiver Expo in Tuscarawas County and often needs funding to purchase items for a door prize and snacks to provide to the caregivers in attendance.

Planned Giving provides a way to support the abused and neglected children and elderly of Tuscarawas County by providing needed services that may not be possible through the general budget funds of the agency. Planned Giving provides a lasting impact even when the donors are no longer living.

Planned Giving can be accomplished in various ways as simple as including
Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services – Social Services Department in a will or as a beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy, through the establishment of annuities, which can provide income to the donor during his or her lifetime and continue to give to TCJFS upon his or her death. Establishing trusts could provide for long term financial support for Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services – Social Services Department.

To explore how to include Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services in your
estate plan, or for advice on planned giving, please consult with your legal or
financial planning professional.