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Cash Assistance

Ohio Works First (OWF) is a federal, cash assistance program for families with dependent children. OWF provides time-limited cash benefits while the adults are participating in work or training activities to develop skills that will help them become self-sufficient.

Every participant is required to sign a self-sufficiency contract which establishes work activities and other obligations the recipients must fulfill in order to receive cash benefits. It also outlines the supportive services the county will provide to the participants.

All adult and minor heads of households receiving OWF benefits are required to work. All participants are evaluated to determine their employability and educational ability. If not currently employed and working, they must take part in approved work activities.

Minor children who are being raised by a specific relative, legal custodian, or legal guardian may qualify for OWF. (Not by their parents.)


Click here to go to the Work Activities page.

Individuals in receipt of (OWF) OHIO WORKS FIRST cash assistance may be required to participate in an assigned work activity 20 – 35 hours per week while in receipt of cash assistance.