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Pro Se Legal Filings

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Click Here to View/Download the “Pro Se Legal Filings” document.

Application for Kinship Permanency Incentive – JFS 01501

Below are some links to helpful information about representing yourself in court. These are links to the web page of the Ohio State Legal Services.

Information on going to court:

Information on presenting evidence to a court:

Information about certain filings and documents you may encounter:

Link to the forms page of Tuscarawas County Juvenile Court:

The above site contains copies of custody motions and requests for grandparent visitation as well as other commonly used forms.

Grandparent Power of Attorney and Caretaker Affidavit Forms:

HB 130 Caretaker Authorization Affidavit
Fill-In Form (MS-Word) Print Only Form (PDF)

HB 130 Power of Attorney
Fill-In Form (MS-Word) Print Only Form (PDF)

Microsoft Word forms may work differently with Microsoft Word 2007 or newer. If using Microsoft Word 2007 or newer, you may need to use the key towards the end of a line to make sure that the text remains visible and prints correctly.

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