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Work Activities

Work Activities Individuals in receipt of (OWF) OHIO WORKS FIRST cash assistance are required to participate in an assigned work activity 20 – 35 hours per week while in receipt of cash assistance.

  • Education and Training Individuals who have not graduated high school or obtained a GED may be required to attend high school or GED classes. Participants enrolled in a degree or vocational program may qualify to continue to attend college or vocational classes for a restricted period of time.
  • Work Experience Participants who are not eligible to participate in education and training will be assigned to a Work Experience Program (WEP) site to improve or develop employment skills.
  • Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) Teen parents under the age of 19 are required to attend high school until graduating or obtaining a GED.
  • Paid Employment Some families with paid employment may qualify for cash assistance, but must complete additional work activities. Hours of paid employment will be included in the required hours of participation.
  • Subsidized Employment Subsidized employment is employment for which the employer receives the OWF payment in exchange for employing an Ohio Works First participant.

Individuals in receipt of FOOD ASSISTANCE may be required to participate in a work activity while in receipt of Food Assistance. OhioMeansJobs Tuscarawas County – Participants are required to register for employment and attend workshops at OhioMeansJobs Tuscarawas County. OhioMeansJobs Tuscarawas County is an excellent tool for individuals to use to find employment. OhioMeansJobs Tuscarawas County offers free workshops for Introductions to Computers, Job Interviewing Skills, Resume’ preparation, Financial Aide and Job Skills Assessments. Individuals can register for employment and job search on the internet. OhioMeansJobs Tuscarawas County is located at: 1260 Monroe Street New Philadelphia, Ohio. Ohio Means Jobs – This is an on-line site to help job seekers find jobs.