About Child Care

Who qualifies for the various types of child care assistance offered through Tuscarawas County Family Services?

Transitional Child Care
Anyone transitioning from Cash Assistance to the work force.

LEAP Child Care
Teen moms attending school to earn a High School diploma or GED.

Employment Child Care
Parents who are actively employed.

Education and Training Child Care
Parents who are actively enrolled in an educational or training program.

Protective Child Care
Parents who currently have a case plan with Children Services.

Special Needs Child Care
Parents who have a child with special needs.

To determine eligibility, a parent must meet guidelines set forth for the specified child care program. The parent must also meet income eligibility requirements.

How Do I Apply For Assistance?
If you are in need of child care or know someone that is, call Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services at (330) 339-7791 and ask for the Child Care Unit.

Important Information

  • The parent is responsible for paying a monthly co-pay. The co-pay is based on your gross income and the size of your family.
  • The agency offers a list of Type B child care providers certified by Tuscarawas County Job & Family Services and a listing of state-licensed child care centers.
  • It is strongly suggested that parents interview the providers before selecting one qualified provider to care fir his/her child.

Child care information can be accessed at the following Internet
web site:

If you are interested in becoming a certified child care provider, call 330-339-7791 for more information.