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Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy

The Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) is a unique subsidy designed to assist Ohio families after the finalization of their adoption. The subsidy is available to all adoptive families, with the exception of stepparent adoption, regardless of the type of adoption (international, attorney, public, or private agency). The child does not have to meet either the federal or state definition of special needs.

In order to qualify for PASSS, the following criteria must be met:

  • The child must have a special need consisting of a physical, developmental, mental, or emotional condition;
  • The child’s special need must have existed before the adoption was finalized or can be attributed to a pre-adoptive condition;
  • The child is less than 18 years of age (or is less than 21 years of age and mentally or physically disabled);
  • The family has explored other sources of assistance, but the sources are inadequate or are not available to meet the needs of the child;
  • The expenses are beyond the economic resources of the adoptive family;
  • The child is not in the custody of a PCSA or PCPA;
  • The family resides in the state of Ohio.

PASSS is intended to pay for services not covered under other adoption subsidy programs, insurance programs, or Medicaid. PASSS funds may be used to cover medical or psychological services that are deemed necessary to meet the needs of the child. Respite care and the maintenance costs of residential treatment programs may also be covered under the PASSS program. PASSS will not cover educational or recreational services or activities solely designed to improve self-esteem. There is no fixed income limit for PASSS. Therefore, even if you have a good income, if the cost of services is beyond your economic resources, you may be able to receive PASSS assistance.

Who makes the decision to approve the application?

Each agency has a PASSS committee that reviews applications and supporting documentation submitted by your family. If the committee requires more information, you may be asked to submit additional documentation. After you have received written approval of your PASSS application from your local PCSA, you may arrange for the approved services. The person providing the services usually bills the agency directly. You should ask about billing procedures prior to receiving the service or at the time of service. There is a limit of $10,000 per child per state fiscal year (calculated from July 1 through June 30). If costs of goods/services exceeds $10,000 in one year, families may ask to apply for an additional $5000. PASSS applications are approved based upon the availability of funds.

1. JFS-01050 PASSS Application MS-Word Fill-In Adobe Acrobat PDF Spanish PDF

2. Instructions for completing JFS-01050 PASSS Application Adobe Acrobat PDF

3. JFS-01051 PASSS Application for Additional MS-Word Fill-in Adobe Acrobat PDF Spanish PDF

4. Instructions for completing JFS-01051 PASSS Application Adobe Acrobat PDF

5. OAC Rule – 5101:2-44-13 Adobe Acrobat PDF

6. OAC Rule – 5101:2-44-13.1 Adobe Acrobat PDF

7. JFS-01052 Credentials for Providers of PASSS Funded Therapeutic Services and Memorandum of Understanding MS-Word Fill-In Adobe Acrobat PDF

8. Instructions for completing the JFS-01052 Form Adobe Acrobat PDF

9. JFS 01681 Applicant Financial Statement Adobe Acrobat PDF Spanish PDF

10. JFS 04059 Explanation of State Hearing Procedures Adobe Acrobat PDF